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Cycling Injuries


Local Physical Therapist Helps Recreational and Competitive Cyclists Keep Moving



Birmingham, Alabama (April 7, 2014) – As cold winter months give way to prime bicycling weather, USA Cycling anticipates more than 70,000 Americans will take to roadways and pathways by bike this year. In fact, the number of cyclists has increased by 67 percent over the last decade.


With the increase in people on bikes, comes an increase in cycling-related injuries, including cervical and upper back pain; low back pain; strains and sprains of the calf muscles; Achilles and Patella tendinitis; and strains of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles.


Deborah Lechner, owner of ErgoScience Physical Therapy in Birmingham, and a member of the Private Practice Section of the American Physical Therapy Association (PPS), sees cycling injuries with frequency. In fact, ErgoScience sponsors Team Bike Link this year. 


“Cycling requires dynamic bursts of strength and speed, which sometimes can throw the body out of balance, creating strain and injury,” said Ryan Hunt, Clinic Manager at ESPT “Part of building stronger athletes is introducing behavior change to help the athlete sustain her or his own health, including stretching and strength conditioning.”


Bill Hart, from Birmingham, AL former ErgoScience PT patient recalls, “In early 2013 I had pain in my hips, lower back and IT band. I had been doing stretches trying to relieve the pain, but every time I rode my bike or ran, the pain would return during the exercise. I was referred to ErgoScience Physical Therapy. Ryan, the PT, helped greatly in relieving the pain through soft tissue work and stretches. But, the real results came from the new exercises he gave me focusing on my balance and gluteal muscles. I was weak on the “back side” and he gave me exercises to strengthen my gluteals, quadriceps and to improve my balance. Within two weeks I saw an improvement. The soft tissue work kept the pain down and allowed me to keep training for a triathlon. Within a month, I was riding pain free with minimal pain post run.  I was able to do several long rides with no back pain and did 2 triathlons during the summer”

If you are a cyclist dealing with back pain, tendonitis, strains and sprains or struggling with improving your performance, ErgoScience can help.  Contact, 205-278-2250 and select option 3 to schedule your appointment! 

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